Scripture Meditation / Romans 5:13 - Nothing Can Separate Us from The Love of God
- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Scripture Meditation / ROM5:13
Scripture Meditation is scripture verse(s) along with music and sounds to immerse you into a moment of contemplation and meditation on God's Word.
For you, the Eternal’s Word is your happiness. It is your focus—from dusk to dawn. Psalm 1:2
The goal of Christian Scripture meditation is to internalize and personalize the Scripture so that its truth can affect how we think, our attitudes, and how we live, our actions.
Ambient music is a genre of music that puts an emphasis on tone and atmosphere over traditional musical structure or rhythm. Ambient music is said to evoke an "atmospheric", "visual," or "unobtrusive" quality.
Ambient music is a genre of music that puts an emphasis on tone and atmosphere over traditional musical structure or rhythm. Ambient music is said to evoke an "atmospheric", "visual," or "unobtrusive" quality.
Christian, born again, God, Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, heaven, prayer, soaking, religion
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License details for "Scripture Meditation / ROM5:13"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
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